Home Depot - La Mirada
4 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
City of La Mirada
Document Title
Home Depot - La Mirada
Document Type
NOP - Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR
Present Land Use
Existing Land Use: Commercial Center; Land Use Designation: Commercial; Zoning: C-4 (Retail Business)
Document Description
The applicant, Rich Development Company, is proposing the construction of a 131,512 square-foot store that includes 108,120 square feet of retail area floor area and a 23,392-square foot garden center on the 9.2 acre parcel. In addition, two retail pads (i.e., 4,250 square feet and 6,000 square feet), are proposed on the 1.2-acre parcel west of the proposed realigned segment of Telegraph Road. A third 5,037-square foot pad is also identified at the northwest corner of Imperial Highway and La Mirada Boulevard in the location of the existing bank. A total of 146,799 square feet of retail floor area, including the three retail pads, is proposed by the applicant for the subject property. In addition, the applicant is also proposing 534 surface parking spaces, which is less than the parking code requirement of 552 parking spaces. Project implementation will necessitate the approval of the following discretionary actions: Master Site Plan, Tentative and Final Parcel Map (to assemble existing parcels and vacate existing street rights-of-way), Disposition and Development Agreement, and Development Agreement.
Contact Information
John Di Mario
Agency Name
City of La Mirada
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
La Mirada
Los Angeles
Cross Streets
La Mirada Boulevard/Imperial Highway
Total Acres
State Highways
I-5 (Santa Ana Freeway)
Fullerton Municipal
Coyote Creek Channel
Notice of Completion
State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW), California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Department of Transportation, District 1 (DOT), California Department of Transportation, District 7 (DOT), California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region 4 (RWQCB), Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Department of Water Resources, Resources Agency, Resources, Recycling and Recovery, San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy (RMC)
Development Types
Commercial (Sq. Ft. 146,799, Acres 10.40), Transportation:Other (Realignment of Telegraph Road)
Local Actions
Land Division (Subdivision, etc.), Redevelopment, Master Site Plan/Disposition and Development Agreement
Project Issues
Aesthetics, Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Cumulative Effects, Drainage/Absorption, Economics/Jobs, Flood Plain/Flooding, Geology/Soils, Growth Inducement, Hazards & Hazardous Materials, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Mineral Resources, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Schools/Universities, Septic System, Sewer Capacity, Social, Solid Waste, Transportation, Vegetation, Wetland/Riparian, Wildfire, Wildlife
Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.