Drainage Restoration: Upper Jordan Gulch (East Branch)
SCH Number
Public Agency
University of California Santa Cruz
Document Title
Drainage Restoration: Upper Jordan Gulch (East Branch)
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
Existing poorly designed waterbars and earthen ditches in and adjacent to Spring Road would be replaced with properly designed earthen ditches and waterbars, and the gravel roadbed would be recontoured to slope northward toward the new ditch (using mechanized equipment). Two undersized (4-inch and 12-inch) metal pipe culverts that convey runoff beneath the road to the drainage would be replaced with an adequately sized (24-inch) pipe culvert. All road runoff from the culvert would be directed to a new compacted earth inlet basin, from which it would enter a new subsurface, 300-foot long, 18-inch diameter metal pipe culvert to be installed west of the channel. (Trenching with a backhoe to allow the installation of the northernmost 225 feet of the pipe would occur within a fenced, 20-foot wide corridor along the pipe alignment; the remaining approximately 75 feet of the pipe near the drainage channel would be installed above-ground, with no mechanized trenching required.) The proposed pipe alignment would avoid all mature trees, but saplings and shrubs would be removed. The resulting vegetation loss would be temporary, and it is expacted that native species would soon re-colonize the site. Flows from the pipe would be discharged to a rock energy dissipator within the channel. As many as four wooden check dams would be installed within the natural drainage channel using hand tools. Erosion from seepage from the perched aquifer would be controlled by the installation of a 4-inch, perforated plastic subsurface drain line that would collect subsurface flows and direct them to the natural drainage. Areas of Disturbed soils will be seeded with barley and mulched with straw to prevent surface erosion.
Contact Information
Christine Aldecoa
Agency Name
University of California Santa Cruz
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
S15301,C1; S15303,C3; S15304,C4
Reasons for Exemption
(Sec. 15311, Class 11)
The project is categorically exempt because it consists primarily of the repair, maintenance, and minor alteration of existing storm drainage facilities. It also includes the installation of a small number of new structures appurtenant to the drainage system that serves the campus, and minor alterations to land. The project would not require the removal of healthy mature trees. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment.
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