Replacement of Verano Well-including Monitoring Well and Completion Well Work.
SCH Number
Public Agency
Valley of the Moon Water District
Document Title
Replacement of Verano Well-including Monitoring Well and Completion Well Work.
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project is part of an overall project to re-establish Valley of the Moon's Verano Well for municipal water supply purposes. Project phases include drilling a test hole (which has been separately noticed), and the work noticed in this document, which includes a monitoring well and subsequent development of a municipal water supply well. The well will be drilled to a depth of no more than 1000 feet, and the completed well is expected to produce between 150 and 300 gallons per minute. The completed well will include pumps, motors, a well house and other appurtenances.
The purpose of the project is to replace the District's previous well at the same location. The old well failed over a period of years and was put on inactive status about 20 years ago. It was formally abandoned and sealed about 2 years ago. The water produced by the was replaced by water purchased from Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) via the Sonoma aqueduct.
SCWA has now declared a state of impairment, for up to 10 years, as regards its ability to reliably supply its contract water customers-including Valley of the Moon Water District-especially during the peak use periods of June through September. It is crucial that VOMWD redeveloped local supply to deal with the SCWA impairment.
The District owns the Verano well site. When successfully developed, the well will contribute to the stability and reliability of the water supplied to the 21,000 or so inhabitants of the District.
Contact Information
Arthur Bolli
Agency Name
Valley of the Moon Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Sonoma, Sonoma, El Verano
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Class 2, [14CCR153032(c)]
Reasons for Exemption
This project replaces a previously existing structure on the same site. It will have substantially the purpose and capacity.
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