Gonzales Redevelopment Project
5 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Gonzales Redevelopment Agency
Document Title
Gonzales Redevelopment Project
Document Type
NOP - Notice of Preparation of a Draft EIR
Present Land Use
Low, medium and high density residential, downtown mixed use, Industrial/manufacturing, public/quasi public, parks and open space
Consistent with general plan designations
Residential, Commercial, public/Urban
Vacant, Agricultural/ rural
Document Description
The primary objective of the project is to provide for a variety of activities designed to eliminate the blight conditions which include, but are not limited to, the following: the construction, reconstruction and improvement of structures, public walks, infrastructure improvements, such as drainage and circulation improvements, and development assistance programs such as land write-downs and low-interest loans; this list of possible actions is for discussion purposes only. The possible actions are not proposed projects at this time, but only possible actions that may be undertaken in conjunction with the proposed Plan.
Contact Information
Ben Ponjedi
Agency Name
Gonzales Redevelopment Agency
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Total Acres
Notice of Completion
Project Issues
Agriculture and Forestry Resources, Air Quality, Geology/Soils, Hydrology/Water Quality, Land Use/Planning, Noise, Population/Housing, Public Services, Recreation, Transportation, Biological Resources, Utilities System.,
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