Translocation of Wild Turkeys into Plumas and Sierra Counties


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Fish and Game Commission (CDFGC)
Document Title
Translocation of Wild Turkeys into Plumas and Sierra Counties
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project involves the capture and translocation of wild turkeys between November 1, 1999 and October 31, 2000. Approximately 16-32 wild turkeys may be released at any of the sites identified by the above coordinates. These locations contain habitat suitable fro the establishment of wild turkey populations, which will provide recreational viewing and hunting opportunities for the public. No No previous studies have shown significant adverse impacts from wild turkey translocations to native plants and animals. This program is consistent with and is intended to implement the provisions of Fish and Game Code Section 1801. Successful translocations of wild turkeys will provide additional recreational viewing and hunting opportunities for the public. Wild turkeys now exist in Plumas and Sierra Counties, and these translocations are intended to augment existing populations.

Contact Information

Dr. David Zezulak
Agency Name
Fish & Game Commission
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Plumas, Sierra

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15306, 15307
Reasons for Exemption
Translocations of wild turkeys into suitable habitats have never been shown to have a significant adverse impact on the evironment.

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