Approval of a Class 3 Closure Plan Modification request made by The O'Brien Corporation
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Approval of a Class 3 Closure Plan Modification request made by The O'Brien Corporation
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project is to approve a Class 3 Closure Plan Modification to remove requirements of the post-closure permit application and post closure care for three formerly closed hazardous waste surface impoundments (ponds) located at The O'Brien Corporation. The three ponds granted an interim status by the Department of Health Service, the predecessor of the Department of Toxic Substance Control (DTSC) was closed in 1988 according to a closure plan approved in 1987. The approved closure plan required the O'Brien to remove pond sludges so that residual lead concentration should be below 200 mg/1, to apply for a post-closure permit and to perform groundwater monitoring until the O'Brien receives a final post-closure permit. Based on seven years of groundwater monitorig results (1988 to 1995) and a health risk assessment of residual lead concentration (170 mg/1), the O'Brien has demonstrated to DTSC's satisfaction that three ponds no longer pose threats to human health and the environment. Therefore, DTSC will remove the post-closure application requirement from the approved closure plan.
Contact Information
Wei-Wei Chui
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substance Control-No Cal Permitting Branch
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
South San Francisco
San Mateo
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
sections 15061
Reasons for Exemption
There is no apparent benefit to continued groundwater monitoring of the ponds. Removing the monitoring requirements will not have the potential for resulting a significant effect on human health and environment including groundwater and San Francisco Bay based on the following findings: a) The monitoring well data suggests that leads from the ponds did not impact the groundwater at the site by comparing the groundwater samples data from down gradient and up gradient wells. The down gradient soluble lead data appears very similar to the up gradient data. All the wells show the same soluble lead concentrating trend, which is a trend near or below the analytical detection limit.
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