California Institution for Men Energy Retrofit/HVAC Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation
Document Title
California Institution for Men Energy Retrofit/HVAC Project
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The proposed project at the California Institution for Men (CIM) would modify the Instution's mechanical equipment to make it more energy efficient. At the Administration Building, the existing HVAC system would be revised by modifying ductwork, replacing air handlers and adding a new chiller. The existing window air conditioners would be removed. The project would also add an Energy Management System to allow CIM to monitor and control the HVAC systems throughout the institution (setting thermostats, programing equipment to shut down when not in use, etc.) Various motors that are a part of the HVAC system would be replaced with Variable Frequency Drive motors in order to conserve energy.
Contact Information
Maria C. Sosa
Agency Name
California Department of Corrections
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Bernardino
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
Project consists of replacement within a State facility with no expansion of existing use.
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