South Irvine Regional Facilities (Shady Canyon Off Site Facilities)

3 Documents in Project


SCH Number
Lead Agency
Irvine Ranch Water District
Document Title
South Irvine Regional Facilities (Shady Canyon Off Site Facilities)
Document Type
NEG - Negative Declaration
Document Description
The Shady Canyon Development lies within the City of Irvine and is designated as Planning Area (PA) 22. Figure 1 depicts the location of Shady Canyon within Irvine Ranch Water District's (IRWD) service boundary. The area is bordered on the west by Sand Canyon Reservoir, the Turtle Rock Development, and Bonita Canyon Road; on the southwest by PA 27; and on the northeast and east by PA's 17 and 18. The Irvine Company (TIC) is the developer and is finalizing the land use and grading plans for the area. IRWD contracted with an engineering firm to prepare a Sub-Area Master Plan (SAMP) for the project. That document is now complete and was used as a primary basis to evaluate the impacts of the proposed facilities.

Contact Information

Richard A. Diamond
Agency Name
Irvine Ranch Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Irvine, Newport Beach
Cross Streets
Calvar / Bonita Canyon Rd.

Notice of Completion

State Review Period Start
State Review Period End
State Reviewing Agencies
California Department of Conservation (DOC), California Department of Fish and Wildlife, South Coast Region 5 (CDFW), California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Santa Ana Region 8 (RWQCB), California State Lands Commission (SLC), Department of Housing and Community Development, Department of Toxic Substances Control, Office of Historic Preservation, Resources Agency, California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT)
State Reviewing Agency Comments
California Department of Transportation, District 12 (DOT)
Development Types
Water Facilities (Type Pipelines)
Project Issues
Air Quality, Cultural Resources, Noise, Transportation, Wetland/Riparian

Disclaimer: The document was originally posted before CEQAnet had the capability to host attachments for the public. To obtain the original attachments for this document, please contact the lead agency at the contact information listed above.

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