Permit and Delayed Closure for the Integrated Wastewater Pond System, Chevron Chemical Company, Richmond, CAD 043237486
SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Toxic Substances Control
Document Title
Permit and Delayed Closure for the Integrated Wastewater Pond System, Chevron Chemical Company, Richmond, CAD 043237486
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The Chevron Chemical Company (CCC) has submitted a RCRA Part B Permit Application for delayed closure of the Integrated Wastewater Pond System (IWPS). This system was formerly operated as an unlined surface impoundment that accepted RCRA hazardous waste liquids from the chemical manufacturing operation. Due to regulatory standards changes, the hazardous waste operation of the ponds was eliminated but the ponds were never closed to meet hazardous waste law requirements. A liner was placed on the area and it is currently used for nonhazardous stormwater runoff. Because stormwater control is necessary to continued operation of the facility, Chevron has requested a delayed closure of the area below the current lined ponds that contains residue from the prior RCRA operation. Final closure of the ponds will include slicing the liner, filling the ponds with soil and installing a RCRA equivalent cap.
Contact Information
Douglas P. O'Neal
Agency Name
Department of Toxic Substances Control
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
Contra Costa
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301 and 15308
Reasons for Exemption
Section 15301: Delayed Closure of the IWPS constitutes continued operation of a non-hazardous stormwater storage system and maintenance of adequate control systems for the hazardous waste pond residue below until final closure. It will not result in significant effects to the environment because it continues the current safe operation. Ponds are currently lined to prevent infiltration of the storm water into the waste residue below. The Permit will require inspection and maintenance of the pond liner. Monitoring wells surround the pond. A slurry wall and extraction trench system operated under Regional Water Quality Control Board standards on the West and South side of the pond prevents any conduit to or from the nearby creek and maintains an inward gradient below the ponds. These systems have proven effective in controlling any hazardous waste releases and will be monitored for continued effectiveness until final closure. Section 15308: Cap installation is necessary to final closure of the pond area to comply with regulatory standards to protect the environment and to minimize future maintenance for the long term following active operation of the site. The cap design is adequate to meet regulatory closure standards, mininize infiltration and promote surface drainage. A separate CEQA review for construction impacts will occur prior to closure cap implementation.
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