4010 Sorrento Valley Boulevard
4 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Public Agency
City of San Diego
Document Title
4010 Sorrento Valley Boulevard
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The project proposes a Coastal Development Permit (CDP), Site Development Permit (SDP), and Neighborhood Development Permit (NDP) for the demolition of the existing twelve single-story industrial structures totaling 190,506 square feet (sf)
and the construction of two life science/research and development buildings (including associated office space) totaling approximately 380,000 sf, including the basement, a 253,343 sf parking structure, and accessory uses, such as a gym and eating facilities. The project would provide frontage, bicycle, and vehicular access improvements on Sorrento Valley Blvd and Vista Sorrento Parkway. The project also includes stormwater, utility, lighting, and hardscaping improvements. The 18.23-acre site is zoned Industrial (IL-3-1 ). Additionally, the project is located within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Overlay Zone (MCAS Miramar), Airport influence Area Overlay Zone (MCAS Miramar - Review Area 1 ), Airport Safety Zone (Accidental Potential 2), Brush Management, Coastal Overlay Zone (Non-Appealable 1 and Coastal Appealable), Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA), Special Flood Hazard Areas, Prime Industrial Lands (PIL), Multiple Habitat Planning Area (MHPA),
Very High Fire Severity Zone (VHFSOZ), and Transit Priority Area (TPA) and is designated Industrial Employment industrial and Open Space within the Torrey Pines Community Plan. Legal Description: Parcels A and B: Lots 6, 7, 8, and 9 of Via Sorrento Valley Industrial Park Unit No. 4 according to Map thereof No. 6618, filed April 7, 1970, and more particularly described within Grand Deed Recorded December 20, 2021 as Document No. 2021-0854813 or in the Office of the San Diego County Recorder [APNS: 340-160-08-00, 340-160-09-00, 340-160-10-00 & 340-160-11-00],
Contact Information
Jeff Szymanski
Agency Name
City of San Diego
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency
San Diego
San Diego
Citywide, Countywide
Parcel #
340-160-08-00; 340-160-09-00;340-160-10-00 & 340-160-11-00
Other Location Info
4010 Sorrento Valley Blvd
Notice of Exemption
Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
15183 Projects Consistent with a Community Plan or Zoning
Reasons for Exemption
The project meets the requirements of CEQA State Guidelines section 15183. The project would be consistent with the development density established in the
Torrey Pines Community Plan for which an EIR was certified. The CEQA Guidelines section 15183 evaluation determined there are no environmental effects that: 1) are peculiar to the project or the parcel on which the project would-be located, 2) were not analyzed as significant effects in the prior EIR, 3) are potentially significant off-site impacts and cumulative impacts which were not discussed In the prior EIR, or 4) are previously identified significant effects which, as a result of substantial new
information which was not known at the time the EIR was certified, are determined to have a more severe adverse impact than discussed in the prior EIR. The project would implement the Torrey Pines Community Plan Update Mitigation Framework, as applicable, and would include a MMRP as a condition of approval. The site is not Included on any list compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 for hazardous waste sites.
County Clerk
San Diego
Notice of Exemption
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