SCH Number 2018032023
Project Info
- Title
- Camino Tassajara Bike Lane Gap Closure
- Description
- The project will widen the existing roadway along four segments of Camino Tassajara from near Penny Lane to Windemere Parkway to provide two 12-foot travel lanes with up to 8-foot shoulders as described below and shown. The total length of roadway where the road will be widened and shoulders will be added is approx. 5,400 feet. The approximate roadway widening limits for each segment of Camino Tassajara are provided as follows. Segment 1 extends from 240 feet north of Penny Lane to 150 feet south of Johnston Road (approx. 1,500 feet long). Segment 2 extends from 1,300 feet north of Highland Road to (approx. 1,300 feet long). Segment 3 extends from700 feet south of the bridge over Tassajara Creek to 2,050 feet south of the bridge over Tassajara Creek (approx. 1,350 feet long). Segment 4 extends from 1,600 feet north of Windemere Parkway to 350 feet north of Windemere Parkway (approx. 1,250 feet long). Project will also apply a slurry seal along the entire roadway section from Lusitano Street to Windemere Parkway, which includes the four segments to be widened. The project will provide consistent shoulders and will connect to the existing bike lanes resulting in a contiguous Class II bike lane along the entire County maintained portion of Camino Tassajara between Ballfields and Windemere Parkway. The project will bring the roadway along these segments up to current County standards, and provide drivers with a consistent roadway section and a wider area for recovery should they veer out of the travel lane. The project will also contribute to the completion of the bikeway network proposed in the 2009 Contra Costa Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. To accommodate the widened roadway, excavation, grading, and/or embankment fill will be necessary on one or both sides of the roadway. The existing vertical alignment of the roadway will be retained. Slight localized variations in the horizontal alignment will result from and correspond to the road and shoulder widening. Existing striping will be removed and the roadway will be restriped. Roadway signage will be relocated and/or added as needed. Roadside obstacles, including utility poles, fences, drainage features, roadway signs, and/or mailboxes, will be relocated as necessary to accommodate the new roadway width. Additionally, roadside trees may need to be removed and modifications to roadside drainages will be necessary to accommodate the widening. This may include the replacement, extension, or relocation of culverts, the relocation or regrading of drainage ditches, and/or the modification of storm drain inlets. Real Property transactions may be necessary to accommodate the project including temporary construction easements and right-of-way (ROW) acquisition from properties fronting Camino Tassajara Standard lane closures and traffic control will be utilized during construction. No traffic detours are required. Project construction is anticipated to begin in April 2019 and conclude in October 2019. Construction would occur over approx. 45 working days for each segment while application of slurry seal and striping along the entire roadway would occur over approx. 10 days.
2 documents in project