Recharge Basin Phase III Project
2 Documents in Project
SCH Number
Lead Agency
Fresno Irrigation District
Document Title
Recharge Basin Phase III Project
Document Type
NOD - Notice of Determination
Document Description
Fresno Irrigation District (FID or District) is proposing to construct three recharge basins in Fresno County within District boundaries. The basins will range in size from 19 to 53 acres and will all connect to the FID Thompson No. 54 canal, and a pipeline running north to Barstow Ave on adjacent private land connecting to the Herndon No. 39 Canal which is an existing District water conveyance facility. All three sites may have ex-traction wells and recovery wells constructed. All the proposed basins will have perimeter fencing. The total Project Area of Potential Affect (APE) for biological and cultural surveys is identified as 93 acres for all three sites.
The proposed benefits of all three basins includes recharge, new storage of floodwater, providing new habitat for waterfowl and to assist the District to maintain its commitments to the Kings River fisheries management program by providing place for fish management water to be diverted in dry years. These basin sites are all in a critical location for the District to perform recharge and would capture and use storm and flood water sup-plies available to FID.
The following components would be consistent at each basin site:
• For turnout construction, the Project will cut a notch approximately 8 x 8 feet in
the canal wall (like a box culvert) that water will go through. Then a gate outside
the existing FID canal will be constructed that will measure and control flow.
• Basin depth would be up to 20 feet below ground surface. (Vertical APE)
• Up to two monitoring wells, placed approximately ¼ mile from existing wells at
each basin site,
• Each basin will have an automated gate with flow measurement and/or a canal
gate with down-stream metering stand,
• Perimeter fencing- cattle fence, any fencing will not impact the existing canal
• Excavation would be balanced onsite or exported offsite, as needed to a District
approved location,
• Up to two recovery wells and discharge pipeline to deliver ~5 cfs to adjacent
existing FID canal infra-structure, placed approximately ¼ mile from existing
wells at each basin site.
• Maximum berm height of six (6) feet measured from the lowest point at the
downstream toe of the berm to its maximum storage elevation, which is typically
the spillway crest.
• No weirs or turnouts will be removed at any basin site location.
Specific details that are unique to each recharge basin are outlined below.
Metzler Recharge Basin:
The Project includes construction of a new 19-acre recharge basin, including earthwork and structures locat-ed at the intersection of N. Jameson Avenue and W. Shaw Avenue, identified as APN 016-450-71S in Fresno County. The property is currently vacant and clear of vegetation. The proposed basin cells will use up the ma-jority of the site with a berm buffer at the perimeter inside the proposed fencing. The District owns the con-veyance canal, Thompson No. 54, crossing the Project site. The Project would provide approximately 220 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approximately 1,320 AF/year annual average. There will be no impacts to the headgate in the southeast corner of the APE. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Thompson No. 54 Canal which exists to the east.
• Two basin outlet structures with connections to Thompson No. 54 Canal and the
proposed Schmall Recharge Basin.
• Vehicular access would be off of Shaw Avenue.
Schmall Recharge Basin
The Project includes construction of a new 53-acre recharge basin including earthwork and structures near the intersection of N. Jameson Avenue and W. Shaw Avenue, identified as APNs 016-450-33, 51, and 62 in Fresno County. The land has been previously cleared of vines and the APE would extend along the east side of the Thompson No. 54 District-owned canal and potentially to the Herndon No. 39 canal to the north. The pro-posed basin cells will use up the majority of the site with a berm buffer at the perimeter inside the proposed fencing. The Project would provide approximately 300 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approx-imately 1,800 AF/year annual average. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Thompson No. 54 canal which exists to the west.
• Two basin outlet structures.
• Vehicular access would be off of Jameson Ave.
• Pipeline running north to Barstow Ave on adjacent private land connecting to the
Herndon No. 39 Canal (an easement would be needed by FID) may be
constructed. If this connection is made, a pipe-line connection between the
proposed Schmall Basin and Metzler Basin may also be made.
• If the proposed basin will connect to the Thompson No. 54 canal, the pipeline
would be within an open cut trench or jack and bore underneath.
Schneider Recharge Basin
The Project includes construction of a new 21-acre recharge basin including earthwork and structures, near the intersection of N. Jameson Avenue and W. Gettysburg Avenue, identified as APN 016-091-58, in Fresno County. The APE is located south of the Thompson No. 54 Canal. The proposed basin cells will use up the ma-jority of the site with a berm buffer at the perimeter inside the proposed fencing. The Project would provide approximately 80 AF of flood water surface storage and recharge approximately 480 AF/year annual average. There will be no impacts to the private residential farm bridge. The Project includes the following construction components that would connect to Thompson No. 54 Canal which exists to the east.
• Basin outlet structure.
• Vehicular access would be off Jameson.
Contact Information
Laurence Kimura
Agency Name
Fresno Irrigation District
Job Title
Chief Engineer
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency / Project Applicant
Biola, Fresno, Kerman
Northern California
Total Acres
Parcel #
326-040-23S, 016-450-33, 51, and 62, 016-091-58
Other Location Info
The Project site is located within the Central San Joaquin Valley of California, in the western unincorporated jurisdiction of Fresno County. The centroid for all three basin sites is 36.802°N, 119.988°W. The Project consists of three separate recharge basin facilities, ranging in size from 19-53 acres, totaling 93 acres.
Notice of Determination
Approving Agency
Fresno Irrigation District
Approving Agency Role
Lead Agency
Approved On
County Clerk
Final Environmental Document Available at
Fresno Irrigation District, 2907 S. Maple Ave, Fresno CA 93725
(1) The project will have a significant impact on the environment
(2a) An Environmental Impact Report was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2b) A Mitigated or a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(2c) An other document type was prepared for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
(3) Mitigated measures were made a condition of the approval of the project
(4) A mitigation reporting or monitoring plan was adopted for this project
(5) A Statement of Overriding Considerations was adopted for this project
(6) Findings were made pursuant to the provisions of CEQA
Notice of Determination
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