Stone Pine LLC Minor Use Permit / CDP; C-DRC2024-00004 / ED24-083


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Luis Obispo County
Document Title
Stone Pine LLC Minor Use Permit / CDP; C-DRC2024-00004 / ED24-083
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
A request by Stone Pine LLC for a Minor Use Permit / Coastal Development Permit (C-DRC2024-00004) to allow for an approximately 303 square-foot bedroom and bathroom addition to an existing 2,101 square-foot, single-story single-family residence, containing an existing 472 square-foot attached garage. The project would result in minimal site disturbance to the existing approximately 10,577 square-foot lot. The proposed project is in the Residential Single-Family land use category and is located at 688 Santa Lucia Avenue in the community of Los Osos. The project is in the Estero Planning Area of the Coastal Zone.

Contact Information

Dane Mueller
Agency Name
County of San Luis Obispo
Job Title
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


Unincorporated Area (Community of Los Osos)
San Luis Obispo
Parcel #
Other Location Info
688 Santa Lucia Ave, Los Osos, CA 93402

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Section 15301; Class 1
Reasons for Exemption
The project qualifies for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) because the project consists of a minor alteration to an existing structure, including the addition of an approximately 303 square-foot bedroom and bathroom addition to an existing 2,101 square-foot, single-story single-family residence, containing an existing 472 square-foot attached garage. The floor area after the addition will total 2,404 square feet. Therefore, the addition to the existing structure will not result in an increase of more than 50 percent of the floor area of the structure before the addition, or 2,500 square feet. The project would result in minimal site disturbance, within a previously disturbed/improved area of the site (conversion of the covered interior courtyard to an infilled habitable addition) to the existing approximately 10,577 square-foot lot. Therefore, the project involves negligible expansion of the existing single-family residential use. The project is not located in an area which may have an impact on an environmental recourse of hazardous or critical concern which is designated, precisely mapped and officially adopted by a federal, state or local agency. Further, there are no unusual circumstances surrounding the project. The proposed project does not impact any scenic resources for any officially designated scenic highways. The location of the proposed project is not within any hazardous waste site compiled pursuant to Gov. Code § 65962.5. The proposed project does not involve or does not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource. No measures beyond those required by the County's ordinances are necessary to address the potential impacts from the proposed project.
County Clerk
San Luis Obispo


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