Harrison Elementary Active Transportation Improvements


SCH Number
Public Agency
San Joaquin County
Document Title
Harrison Elementary Active Transportation Improvements
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
This project will include construction of new sidewalks and buffered bike lanes, as well as enhanced intersections and storm drainage improvements on roads throughout the project area. A breakdown, by roadway, of the preliminary project scope is as follows: Alpine Avenue: • New sidewalks and landscaping on the north and south sides of the street between Sanguinetti Lane and Wilson Way. • Roadway widening up to 56-ft between Sanguinetti Ln and Wilson Way. Reconfigure striping to add buffered bike lanes and parking lanes in each direction, between Sanguinetti Lane and Wilson Way. • Add high visibility pedestrian crosswalk markings at Sanguinetti Lane and E Street intersection. • Upgraded ADA curb ramps at the southeast and southwest corners of the Alpine Avenue/Sanguinetti Lane intersection. • Add ADA curb ramps at each corner of the Alpine Ave/E St intersection. • Add ADA curb ramps at each corner of the Alpine Ave/Belvedere Ave intersection. • Add ADA curb ramps at the northwest corner of the Alpine Ave/Wilson Way intersection, for each incoming crosswalk. • Update pedestrian crosswalk striping at the Alpine Ave/Wilson Way intersection to high visibility markings. • Add ADA curb ramps at the two-way and three-way crosswalk medians at the Alpine Avenue/Wilson Way intersection. • Existing storm drain inlet adjustments at sidewalk installations. Sanguinetti Lane: • Add corner curb extensions (bulb-outs) at Mistletoe Avenue intersection, with ADA curb ramps. • Add pedestrian crosswalk [Continental markings] south of Mistletoe Ave intersection, with center refuge island. Provide curb extensions with ADA ramps and rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFB) at each end of the crosswalk. • Update pedestrian crosswalk striping at the Sanguinetti Lane/Wilson Way intersection to ladder-style markings. • Add ADA curb ramps to the three-way crosswalk median at the Sanguinetti Lane/Wilson Way intersection. • Add ADA curb ramp at the northwest corner of the Sanguinetti Lane/Wilson Way intersection. Wilson Way: • Add sidewalk to the north side of Wilson Way between Sanguinetti Lane and Alpine Avenue. • Add lighted traffic signal to the Wilson Way/E Street intersection. • Add high visibility pedestrian crosswalk markings to the north, west, and south approaches of the Wilson Way and E Street intersection. • Add ADA curb ramps at the northeast, northwest, and southwest corners of the Wilson Way/E Street intersection. • Add concrete median strips east & west of E Street, to divide Wilson Way traffic. • Add ADA curb ramps at the Belvedere Ave/Wilson Way intersection. • Existing storm drain inlet adjustments at sidewalk installations Mistletoe Avenue: • Add sidewalk to the north side of Mistletoe Ave between Sanguinetti Ln and E Street. • Add sidewalk on the south side of Mistletoe Ave along Parcel 11905045. • Reconstruct driveway on Parcel 11905003. • Abandon section of Mistletoe Ave between Wilson Way and E St; redesign the abandoned roadway as landscaping. • Add concrete median on the south side of the Wilson Way/Mistletoe Ave intersection, with ADA curb ramps for pedestrian crossing. • Add storm drain inlets and 12” reinforced concrete drain pipe to tie into existing storm drain system E Street: • Add sidewalk to the west side of E Street. • Add sidewalk on the east side of E St along Parcel 11905042 • Add ladder-style pedestrian crosswalk markings on the north approach, and standard pedestrian crosswalk markings on the west side of the Mistletoe Ave/E St intersection. • Add storm drain inlets and 12” reinforced concrete drain pipe to tie into existing storm drain system.

Contact Information

Marilissa Loera
Agency Name
San Joaquin County
Job Title
Senior Planner
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency


San Joaquin
State Highways
SR 99
Harrison Elementary School
Other Location Info
Sanguinetti Lane: Wilson Way to Alpine Avenue, Alpine Avenue: Sanguinetti Lane to Wilson Way, Wilson Way: Alpine Avenue to Sanguinetti Lane, Mistletoe Avenue: Sanguinetti Lane to Wilson Way, E Street: Wilson Way to Alpine Avenue.

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Existing Facilities (Sec. 15301)
Reasons for Exemption
The project would introduce “minor alterations” along existing streets – it would not “expand” the use because residents are already using the street shoulders as a sidewalk, and the new constructed sidewalks merely would improve the surface for walking & pedestrian safety.
County Clerk
San Joaquin


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