Agreement for Option to Purchase Real Property at 2455 Chanticleer Avenue


SCH Number
Public Agency
Soquel Creek Water District
Document Title
Agreement for Option to Purchase Real Property at 2455 Chanticleer Avenue
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
On August 18, 2020, the Soquel Creek Water District's Board of Directors approved an Option Agreement to potentially purchase the Provision Glass & Window shop property located at 2455 Chanticleer Avenue, Santa Cruz, CA. Per the tem1s of the Option Agreement, the property owner has granted the Soquel Creek Water District (the "District") the option to purchase the property at a price of $1 ,300,000. The option expires on December 15, 2020. If the District desires to consider purchasing the property at a future date (and thus exercising the purchase option), the Board of Directors will consider whether to approve the purchase at that future time, including evaluating the environmental impacts of the purchase as necessary to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act. As stated in the Agreement, the District will not exercise its purchase option unless and until the District has finalized the CEQA process and followed all legally required procedures.

Contact Information

Melanie Mow Schumacher
Agency Name
Soquel Creek Water District
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency

Agency Name
Soquel Creek Water District
Contact Types
Project Applicant


Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
Cross Streets
2455 Chanticleer Avenue
Parcel #

Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Type, Section or Code
Not a "project."State CEQA Guidelines § 15378 [No commitment to any action that may impact the environment]
Reasons for Exemption
As approved on August 18, 2020, the District's action is not a CEQA "project" because it does not commit the District to any activity having the "potential for resulting in either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment" per State CEQA Guidelines section 15378. The Option Agreement merely involves the District's preservation of its right to potentially purchase the 2455 Chanticleer Avenue property, but does not commit to any decision that will affect the environment. Should the District desire to exercise its option to purchase the property in the future, the District will comply with CEQA and evaluate any and all potential environmental impacts that any such future action may have prior to any approval.


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