Improve Safety


SCH Number
Public Agency
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Document Title
Improve Safety
Document Type
NOE - Notice of Exemption
Document Description
The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) proposes to improve the safety of this section of State Route (SR) 299, between Post Miles (PM) 6.9 and 7.6 in Shasta County, because there is a higher than average accident rate occurring within the project area. It is anticipated that the accidents will be reduced by improving sight distance, improving the roadway geometrics by increasing the curve radius, and increasing the clear recovery zone. Caltrans will employ a "through cut" to realign the curve. This cut will generate approximately 102,000 cubic yards of material, which will be disposed of on site as an embankment. Slope ratios will be ¾:1 (H:V) for cut slopes and a maximum of 1.5:1 (H:V) for fill slopes reconstructed. Drainage systems will be replaced, extended, or removed as appropriate. The Reinforced Concrete Box (RCB) culvert at Yankee Gulch will also be extended 135 feet. The existing Lewiston Toll Road (Shasta County Road No. 5E01) will be reconstructed. Approximately 5.3 acres of new right of way will need to be acquired from two private landowners to facilitate the construction of this project. During clearing and grubbing operations, minimal trees and vegetation will be removed to prepare for the new roadway alignment. It is anticipated that blasting will be required for some of the roadway excavation; the blasting is not anticipated to produce any fly rock. Earthwork operations will be staged to allow traffic to pass through the construction site during the construction process. From Station 110 to 129, the new alignment is proposed to shift about 40 feet north of the existing curve. Material will be cut from the existing slopes and placed on the existing roadway. Work on extending the reinforced concrete box at Yankee Gulch, drainage system 5, will progress simultaneously with the earthwork activities; a clear water diversion will be utilized at this location during construction of the concrete box extension. Once the major earthwork operations are complete, a new sub base will be constructed and work on the remaining drainage systems will be completed. Scotch broom (invasive species) populations occur along the roadside in various areas with the project limits; it is anticipated that removal of the scotch broom will occur prior to the start of project construction, due to interagency eradication efforts. Project construction will take place during the dry season and all construction disturbed areas will be stabilized, by applying hydro-seed and or mulch, prior to the onset of winter rains to prevent sediment loss into Yankee Gulch and Willow Creek. Safety fencing and hazardous material cleanup will be available at the construction staging areas to prevent material and petroleum products from entering these drainages. No riparian vegetation will be removed to create staging areas. The project will conform to the Department's water pollution control standards; Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be utilized, as needed to further reduce the potential for sediment delivery into Willow Creek and Yankee Gulch. Environmental Sensitive Area (ESA) fencing will be place at the eastern end of the project to isolate a potential archaeological area from construction activities. Approximately 2,100 feet of silt fence will be installed along the southern catch line to prevent material from spilling into Willow Creek. The portion of the Lewiston Toll Road that is being impacted by this project is not eligible resource for listing with the National Historic Register. The following approvals will be required prior to construction beginning: Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 404 authorization, Central Valley Regional Water Quality 401 Certification, and a California Department of Fish and Game 1602 Agreement.

Contact Information

Debbie Pedersen
Agency Name
California Department of Transportation, District 2
Contact Types
Lead/Public Agency



Notice of Exemption

Exempt Status
Categorical Exemption
Type, Section or Code
Reasons for Exemption
This project will not result in any significant impacts to the environment.

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